Lunchbox Madness

I have been really struggling with lunch boxes recently, and more often than not they come back relatively full – I think this is mostly down to playing too much though. Our school is nut free and Kiwi free making it a little harder for a gluten free mumma! 

I don’t like to send him with sandwiches every day and I certainly won’t send him with anything that comes in a packet! 

Leftovers make a frequent appearance in his lunchbox for example

  • Sausage Rolls 
  • Spaghetti Bolognese 
  • Mac and Cheese 
  • Rice, meat and veg 
  • Sausages
  • Roast meat 

It doesn’t always have to be the same way we had it for tea either! Spaghetti mince has been used in wraps, and his favourite way is to make small cups out of tortilla’s and then in containers have a “make your own” type of affair where he fills his “cup” with a variety of ingredients. 

the sausages we have put in with some buns to make mini hotdogs, and we have put them with some brown rice and veg – fried rice is also great! we usually throw some roast chicken through the mac and cheese for some protein with lunch. 

Our school also has a “crunch and sip” policy which is afternoon snack time where the kids have a time out for a piece of fruit and a cup of water – the problem there is the fruit cannot be a part of their lunchbox it must be separate – I just send MOO with whatever he is feeling for the day, pear apple banana etc – but for snacks in his lunchbox I like to give him a different piece of fruit so he’s {hopefully} getting 2 serves of fruit in some of our fav snacks include; 

  • Sultanas 
  • Greek yoghurt in a small container with another filled with GF muesli so he can combine the two 
  • Cruskits with Vegemite 
  • Ham and cheese 
  • popcorn (I make this in the morning, just a small handful of kernels in a brown paper bag in the microwave for a few minutes until the popping slows – cheaper and healthier than the bags you buy in the supermarket 
  • home made muffins (although aside from my jaffa cakes I am yet to find one he will eat!) 
  • home made muesli bars (his favourites are further down the page) 
  • dry cereal 
  • hard boiled eggs 
  • cheese 

I always only send him with water in his bottle, however on special occasions I will send him with a chocolate milk or a Charlie’s juice which are really good they are the only juice in the supermarket that don’t have any additives and they have the lowest sugar count. Ofcourse they still don’t make it as an everyday or even every week treat. 

I am waiting on an order of reusable pouches so I can start making my own smoothies for him to take! 

Hope this is helpful – and keep posted for some more lunchbox tips. I normally post our daily lunch boxes to Facebook and most to IG too! 



Macadamia Crusted Fish 

w/ sweet potato chips 

I love the simplicity of this dish. I love that it’s minimum ingredients, maximum flavour. I know nuts are fatty but they are good fats! They are great for your heart and boots your immune system – they are full of goodness – can’t have too many in my opinion, but then we don’t calorie count in this house! 

This crust goes well with most white fish and even chicken! 

no need to double take it really is as simple as below . . . 


Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia Nut Oil 

White Fish Fillets 

2x Eggs beaten lightly 


  1. Blend nuts in blender 
  2. dip fish into eggs then into nuts 
  3. pan fry in the oil 

literally as simple as 1, 2 3! 

We served this with sweet potato crisps which was just thinly sliced white sweet potato drizzled with a little macadamia nut oil and baked in a hot oven until crisp – a little salt and pepper and voila! 

I am totally addicted to sweet potato fries and am serving them with everything at the moment, I have no idea why but MOO won’t touch them (I won’t complain too much though because that means . .  . more for me!) 

Enjoy xox


Clean Eating

Clean eating with a fussy eater is quite the challenge. But the reward is in the success. Our diet changes have absolutely changed our lives. We feel better, we are more active and I know that what I am putting into my body and my families body is pure.

I admit, we aren’t always great at it, and we have our lazy pig out days, and then there are some things too good to give up. But over all its a mind set change and it works – I get a lot of feedback about our diet, about it being a fad diet, and you know what, even if that is the case, what’s the worst that we are doing? we are cutting out preservatives, additives and everything that is wrong with food – there are no negatives to clean eating.

I have done a lot of research into additives and the effects it has on children and adults alike the way they can effect our health, our emotions, our mental stability and it frightens me. In Australia we allow additives that are proven dangerous and are banned in most other countries including the USA and the UK – so if they don’t use it, why do we?

MOO suffers Asthma, or should I say suffered. He would get so ill no matter how spotless the house was. I remember after his 4th birthday party, he was sick for days. It was around this time that I started my investigation into the effects of additives, and the benefits of using food to heal. It was at this point that I saw additives in the group 220 were known triggers for asthma. Instantly I thought back to the party and what foods we had served, I had made most of them myself and I couldn’t link it back until I thought about the juice. Apple pop tops – the healthier drink to serve at a party I had thought. I read the label and sure enough there it was 220 – no warning – nothing to say contains asthma triggers. I threw them all in the bin that day – and cut out the 220 group there and then. Since then we have not had an attack. We have bought a shaggy dog and shamefully I admit to not always dusting as often as I could – but whenever he has something with this number group – instantly we see a shift in his behaviour and in his health. I urge you to please check your pantry and your fridge you will be amazed at how many products contain these numbers – in particular this group has been linked to asthma triggers, headaches, sinus problems and behavioural shifts.

It is widely explored that a lot of behavioural disorders diagnosed as ADD or ADHD can be linked to diet – I have experienced this with MOO and it is not just with sugar as we all know children run riot on sugar! Particular colourings or additives can and will send him into a rage, or some will send him into a daze – it is frightening to see that a simple muesli bar can switch his mind off like a switch – and we are placing these into our children’s lunch boxes – thinking it is the healthier alternative.

I know I can sound alternative sometimes but I truly believe food is medicine. We live a contemporary outer suburbs kind of life but when we are ill I always rely on foods to heal us. I use them throughout the year to prevent illness and I have my favourite for when we can’t quite out run that cold or have a bout of gastro. And if that’s not proof enough in his 5, almost 6 years MOO has been prescribed antibiotics twice – both occasions were prior to my discovery of food healing, and since then he has never fallen ill enough to warrant medications. I have noticed my body healing too – I am learning about the healing qualities in each ingredient making myself more aware of what to prescribe when I can feel an illness creeping up on me. I suppose the only time my other half hasn’t been supportive of my drive to heal us naturally is when he had an earache and I wanted to use a garlic head wrap on him … Everyone has their limits hey!

I have composed a simple shopping list of staples that I get almost every fortnight when I do the shop. Quite often I buy the same things week after week yet I am constantly coming up with new and exciting ways to use them. As a rule we try and split our daily dinners 2 nights to fish 2 nights to meat 2 nights vegetarian and 1 night vegan – in no particular order. This has drastically reduced our food budget by at least half!

Here are my staples:


Organic Chicken (Thigh and a whole bird)

Mince (beef and pork)

Steak (grass fed)

Fish (varying kinds)


Berries: Blueberries, raspberries, kiwi berries, strawberries all berries!












Tomatoes (whole, cherry and grape)


Sweet potato (white and orange)












Quinoa (flakes and grains)




Macadamia Nuts


Brown Rice


Spelt flour




Butter Beans

4 Bean Mix


Coconut Oil

Macadamia nut oil

Olive oil

3x dozen free range eggs

Natural greek yoghurt

Almond milk

coconut water



Pink salt

Dark organic chocolate

These ingredients leave your possibilities for meals endless. I always found if I tried to make a meal plan I never stuck to it! And we ended up eating out, ordering in or snacking on toast all evening!!

I hope you find this list helpful in your pursuit of a healthier, happier life!! Keep following for more great recipes to satisfy both you and your fussy eater! Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and instagram too for instant updates and plenty of fresh recipes and tips !

{Should Be} Turkey Burgers



In order to share with you the meaning behind the title of this dinner I need to share with you my outrage with chain supermarkets. Where we live I have a local Coles, Woolworths and even several butchers … none of which today sold Turkey Mince. I couldn’t believe it! Then when I approached the customer service staff I was asked why I would even want turkey anyway – its not Christmas. 

Bit sad that we live in a community so naive to not understand the health benefits of turkey – lets begin with the leaner meat argument. 

I have substituted for organic free range chicken mince and am seriously considering a meat grinder so I can make my own . . . would be a fun thing to make – my own mince – possibilities are endless – sausages even! Hmmm might just add to the christmas list. 

ANYWAY! You will be pleased to know these tasted great with chicken 🙂 Moo ate all of his and started on his dads also! I did forget to pick up some salad greens so we just had ours on some Gluten Free buns I picked up from the health food shop with some left over honey mustard from the chicken fingers the other night. 


500g Chicken or Turkey Mince

1 Egg White

1/2 Red Onion, finely diced

1/2 C Quinoa flakes (you could used finely chopped oats)

1 clove minced garlic

salt and pepper 

2 Tbs Fresh Parsley 

2 Tbs Fresh Oregano 

2 Tbs Fresh Basil 


  1. Lightly beat the egg white 
  2. Add to all the other ingredients except the mince 
  3. combine with the mince
  4. break into 6-8 patties 

There are two ways to cook these – bake them in your oven for about 30 – 45 minutes or on your griddle pan. 

I tried both ways tonight and really the only difference was in the time it took to get dinner on the table. 

Was a nice experience to not have an argument over tea for one night this week!