{Should Be} Turkey Burgers



In order to share with you the meaning behind the title of this dinner I need to share with you my outrage with chain supermarkets. Where we live I have a local Coles, Woolworths and even several butchers … none of which today sold Turkey Mince. I couldn’t believe it! Then when I approached the customer service staff I was asked why I would even want turkey anyway – its not Christmas. 

Bit sad that we live in a community so naive to not understand the health benefits of turkey – lets begin with the leaner meat argument. 

I have substituted for organic free range chicken mince and am seriously considering a meat grinder so I can make my own . . . would be a fun thing to make – my own mince – possibilities are endless – sausages even! Hmmm might just add to the christmas list. 

ANYWAY! You will be pleased to know these tasted great with chicken 🙂 Moo ate all of his and started on his dads also! I did forget to pick up some salad greens so we just had ours on some Gluten Free buns I picked up from the health food shop with some left over honey mustard from the chicken fingers the other night. 


500g Chicken or Turkey Mince

1 Egg White

1/2 Red Onion, finely diced

1/2 C Quinoa flakes (you could used finely chopped oats)

1 clove minced garlic

salt and pepper 

2 Tbs Fresh Parsley 

2 Tbs Fresh Oregano 

2 Tbs Fresh Basil 


  1. Lightly beat the egg white 
  2. Add to all the other ingredients except the mince 
  3. combine with the mince
  4. break into 6-8 patties 

There are two ways to cook these – bake them in your oven for about 30 – 45 minutes or on your griddle pan. 

I tried both ways tonight and really the only difference was in the time it took to get dinner on the table. 

Was a nice experience to not have an argument over tea for one night this week! 


Steamed Peanut Chicken


I am regretting not taking a more appetising photo of this dish – The one I have does not do justice!! 

That being said – Moo picked, while negotiating how he could get some McDonalds. This conversation went a lot like this “What about this mum. We don’t eat dinner and we get at McDonalds” “Or! We can eat this later!” He wasn’t terribly impressed with my No response and took it out on his dinner bowl. 

I do urge you to try this recipe though!! It isn’t the prettiest dinner but totally scrummy! 


1/4 C Nut Butter (smooth is best) 

1/4 C Coconut Milk 

2 Tbsp White Wine Vinegar 

1 Tbsp Raw Agave Syrup 

1 Tbsp Lime Juice 

1 Tbsp Minced Ginger 

1 Tsp Low Sodium Soy Sauce

1 clove of garlic, crushed

Green Beans

1 Red Onion, quartered 

2 Sweet Potatoes diced

2 Chicken Breast (free Range, Organic) 


  1. Pre Heat oven to 200 degrees 
  2. In a medium bowl combine, panut butter, milk, vinegar, agave, lime, ginger, soy and garlic – season with salt and pepper
  3. Cut 4 squares of aluminium foil (12 x 16 inches) 
  4. Divide vegetables evenly onto each square top with chicken and sauce 
  5. Wrap each parcel tightly 
  6. Pop into the oven for about 20-25 minutes

You can check the parcels to ensure the potato and chicken are cooked but make sure you seal them tightly before popping back into the oven if they aren’t quite done

then serve them in a bowl – PERFECT!



Jamie’s Chicken

Jamie’s Chicken 


This recipe is known as “Jamie’s chicken” in our house, and this comes from it being based on a TV episode I saw AGES ago – over time the recipe has kind of been lost and this is how I assume I saw him do it! 

So here goes . . .


  • 1kg Chicken (tonight I used mixed pieces – $4 a kilo at Leonards! on other occasions I have used thigh – skin on is my favourite, gets that nice crisp and crunch to it but for those who are health conscious this is great with skin off thigh too) 
  • Fresh Oregano – I would like to take this time to apologise to my husband who kindly planted a herb garden on the weekend, there is now no Oregano left 🙂 Whoops! I play the quantity by ear, I like to be quite generous so would say maybe a handful? 
  • Salt and Pepper (as desired) 
  • Olive oil – just a drizzle
  • 4-6 Chat (or small) potatoes, skin on 
  • 1x Packet of cherry tomatoes, whole 



  1. Boil potatoes until just soft. Tonight I did mine in the microwave for the first time, put them in a jug, covered with water and stuck them on high for about 10 minutes, worked surprisingly well 
  2. (this step can be bypassed but does bring more flavour into the dish) Brown chicken in a little bit of olive oil. Do not discard the oil at the end of cooking. 
  3. Assemble in the dish – put the chicken in a large baking dish, followed by the potatoes and tomatoes.
  4. Pour the olive oil from the chicken over the top (or if you didn’t brown the chicken first just drizzle some oil over)
  5. Gently press down on the potatoes with a fork
  6. Scatter with oregano and salt and pepper
  7. Pop it in the oven at about 180 for 15-30 minutes depending on the chicken 



The only thing missing from tonights dinner was a simple green salad. I LOVE colour salads, they are easy as 123! for my green salad I use 

  • Rocket 
  • Green Capsicum 
  • Snow peas 
  • Sprouts 

With a little lemon juice and olive oil drizzled over the top! 

Of course MOO has had a long week and it didn’t seem fair to over load him too much tonight. As it was we had one meltdown over eating the tomatoes, but proudly I can say he ate them! 

I am astonished with his attitude this week, he has once again surprised me and embraced this challenge. Tomorrow is prize day – I will post the toy he picks! 

Thank you to everyone who is sharing and following along on our journey 🙂 Hopefully next week will be introducing healthy snacks as well as dinners! 



Chicken Noodle Omelette

Chicken Noodle Omelette 

Oh my. Today was a challenge. Luckily we didn’t have school today so no lunches were required! Breakfast sat uneaten (porridge), Lunch was provided by the centre and most my dinner plans were thwarted by the age old problem . . . I haven’t gone food shopping! 

I finally decided on making the omelette figuring it was relatively healthy and still involved a vegetable. 

This decision was met with endless streams of “But I just want Tuna and Sauce” – ” What about if I have toast” – “I DONT WANT IT!!!!!” 


  • 1/2 Packet of 2 minute noodles (without flavour sachet) 
  • 2x Eggs lightly beaten 
  • 2x Tbs Milk 
  • 2x Tbs Grated cheese 
  • 4x Tbs frozen Peas (can also add corn) 
  • Shredded BBQ Chicken (or like I did tonight, 1x Chicken Thigh cooked and shredded) 




  1. Cook the noodles in boiling water, drain and set aside to cool slightly 
  2. Whisk together the eggs, milk, peas and cheese 
  3. Add the noodles 


5. Melt some butter or heat a little bit of oil in a flat based frying pan and add the egg mixture. 

6. Top with chicken on one half, cook for about 3-5 minutes lifting the edges to avoid sticking

7. Fold the omelette in half and slide out of the pan 




I unfortunately managed to mangle the omelette and wound up with more of a eggy noodle stir fry of sorts but still tasted great! 



Pretty sure MOO agreed . . . he just short of licked his plate! 




This is a great dish hot or cold! And serves 2. 

per serve:/ fat: 13.3g / Saturated Fat: 6.9g / Protein: 10.1g / Carbs: 12.6g / Fibre: 2.4g / Cholesterol: 124mg / Energy 894 KJ (213 Cal) 

This is surprisingly tasty and we will absolutely be cooking it again! 🙂