

In the days since Christmas I have hardly felt like cooking!! This is the best part though right? We are pretty big on Tappas in this house – and tasting plates, just a bit of this and a bit of that and Christmas day left overs have really helped with that some of our favourites so have have been 

  • Pizza! One topped with Turkey, Cranberry sauce and Brie the other with Ham, tomato paste and cheese (some sneaky little vegetables too when Moo isn’t looking like pineapple and capsicum) 
  • Toasties, toasties and more toasties! My absolute FAVOURITE toastie post Christmas is Cranberry, turkey and brie on turkish bread!! LOVE it! We have also had Ham and cheese (classic right?!) 
  • Sandwiches – Hubby discovered Aoili, Gravy salt and turkey on fresh white bread – think we used a whole loaf that day! 
  • Turkey mini quiche’s – left over turkey 6 eggs a splash of milk and some cherry tomatoes. Line a 12 hole muffin tin with wanton papers, pop in some turkey and tomatoes top with whisked eggs and milk mixture bake in the oven for about 15 minutes until cooked. Hubby enjoyed his with some Sriarcha I liked mine on their own. These also freeze well for a breakfast on the run! 
  • Which brings me to breakfast! Scrambled eggs and ham! 
  • Turkey omelette 

We still have so much Ham left over and a little bit of turkey, I am thinking of freezing some of the ham for use later on in the year. I know Moo will love my for making some mac and cheese with ham through it! 

Tonight we are having a broccoli pasta and I will just dice some ham to go in there also. 

What are some of your favourite left over tips? 





Pop Em Pizza 

we have had a few dad free nights this month leaving room for some kid friendly (mum friendly) dinners. MOO has been begging me for pizza for weeks and one night I realised it was late and tomorrow is a school day – these really are great in the lunchbox, they can be frozen and make a tasty treat for dinner. You make your own dough but for me I use a packet one because it’s neater, easier and probably safer – yeast and I don’t always agree. 


1x Packet Gluten Free {or normal} pizza dough

Cheese ({we used lactose free but mozzarella is my fav} 

250g sliced salami 

pizza sauce of your choice 


  1.   Prepare the dough as per instructions 
  2. Instead of rolling out, grab a small handful and flatten in the palm of your hand 
  3. Add a dollop of sauce, some cheese and some Salami 
  4. Wrap the dough around the filling and form a small ball 
  5. Pop into a greased baking tray and repeat. When I make this one box of dough normally makes about 20 
  6. Once complete spray lightly with olive oil, sprinkle with some cheese and pop into the oven at 180 for 20 minutes 


Homemade Pizza Night

Home-made Pizza Night 



Tonight we snuggled up on the sofa, watched some Disney and had a good family time making pizza. I much prefer home made dough and here is the recipe we use – hasn’t failed us yet; 

Fail Safe Pizza Dough 

  • 1 1/2C warm water 
  • 2tsp (or 1 sachet) dried yeast 
  • Pinch of caster sugar 
  • 4C Plain Flour 
  • 1tsp Salt 
  • 1/4C Olive Oil 


  1. Combine yeast, warm water and caster sugar in a small bowl, put aside for 5-1- minutes until froths 
  2. Combine flour and salt in a large bowl and make a well in the centre
  3. Add oil and yeast mixture 
  4. Using a butter knife combine the mixture (in a cutting pattern) 
  5. knead well for about 10 minutes 
  6. Lightly grease a clean, dry bowl (I find a metal one works best) and place dough inside, cover the top with cling film and sit for 30 minutes, until dough has doubled in size. 
  7. knead lightly again and break into three 

This makes 3 decent size pizzas – but if you like a thin and crispy base could easily make up to 4 or 5. SIMPLE 


While we were waiting for the dough MOO showed some interest in the various fillings I had diced on the bench 


So I took the opportunity to play a little game. We both sat on the bench and took turns closing our eyes and guessing what foods we fed each other. 

In this time he tried, and swallowed; 

– Red Onion

– Chicken 

– Tomato 

– Capsicum 

– Mustard 

– Rocket 

It was great fun and he almost forgot that he doesn’t like trying new vegetables!! 

It also made him more comfortable with them when it came time to topping our pizzas! 




There is a time, which is hard to believe was only a week ago that he would have insisted on having nothing but tomato sauce and cheese on his pizza – yet tonight he chose – red onion, capsicum, feta, tomato and chicken. Granted when it came time to eating it he tried to pick the toppings off. It only took a stern look and a “Don’t forget to eat those delicious toppings” for him to pick them up and gobble them down though. 

Looking forward to trying some different salads and seeing how he goes with the textures and concepts there! 

As for tonight though – it was a success and a great family bonding experience! 🙂 Was lots of fun stealing each others ingredients sizing up who has the better looking base and who could top the cheese the fastest 🙂 xox